I was fortunate enough to grow up when the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie (saw him when I was 18) and Pink Floyd were releasing music NEW music which is now classified as “Classic Rock”. I was a teenager during the punk rock years (I saw the Ramones, Iggy Pop, Devo, Patti Smith all at 18 yeas old), so yeah, the music was GREAT! The personal computer was created when I was a teenager so I enjoyed that evolving tech and was a part of it from the start. I experienced the entire digital revolution in music (albums to 8 track to cassette to cd) to information. I was part of the first generation to have a portable cellphone and a personal computer. For the first time in human history jet travel was affordable and I was able to travel higher in the clouds and longer distances than any other humans before me. I traveled the world and lived for extended periods out of the USA gaining a larger global perspective that was ever available to past humans.

So YES, I have lived at the height of human existence because of all these advances and I could not be happier to have been there for it. I am saddened by the rapid decline that we are experiencing currently but it makes me appreciate having been at the peak and will ride the wave downward now. I feel sorry for the younger generation who will never know of the freedom that came from growing up without a screen in your face 24/7 and who actually could read books and appreciated being alone with their thoughts.